The largest collection of free online videos of the ancient world. With a common desire to illuminate truth and eradicate discrimination, this archive was created by enthusiasts, explorers, adventurers, and advocates just like you.


We want to share a beautifully unified story of empowerment for children and young people around the world. By connecting to original stories, histories, and wonders of our ancestors, we can better connect the source of our own power.  


Have you ever seen a nine year old realize their great, great, great, great grandparent was a part of one of the most advanced civilizations in the world? #wakanda for everyone! Rich beautiful stories that accurately represent ancient civilizations and respect the indigenous storytelling process. We should be in awe of our collective history.


We do not promote the boring, colonizing, and sometimes derogative portrayals of these ancient stories. We aim to share this information in awe and reverence of the people and cultures they represent. How can we inspire more young people to feel proud of where they come from in bold new ways? How can we create communal respect for the ancient global civilizations that existed prior to the modern era?

This project is 100% self-funded with zero ties to government, institutions, media, or corporations. We believe in an emancipated research and collaboration process with free decimation of all available knowledge to all interested people.